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Rebuilding Bakia - Write consistent TypeScript with Prisma

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Photo by Linda Christiansen on Unsplash

About the product

Bakia is short for "Bất kì ai". In Vietnamese, it means "Anyone". The product is a E-commerce website that sells custom toys. Features include:

  • Customize Lab: Customize your own toy
  • Shopping cart
  • Payment form

You can check it out at

Why I am rebuilding

When I first built Bakia, I was a beginner in web development. I constantly found myself wrestling with new concepts, technologies, and frameworks. I ended up with the following stack:

  • Front-end: React.js, styled-components
  • Back-end: PostgreSQL, Java Spring Boot
  • Deployment: AWS

The reasons behind this stack are pretty straight-forward:

  • I already knew React.js, and was interested in css-in-js approach.
  • I was teaching a group of interns in my company about Java Spring Boot and PostgreSQL.
  • I have some experience with AWS.

This stack is a classic approach to web development with separate front-end and back-end. It works fine after the first release. However, after a while, I realize as a solo dev, it is hard to manage this stack:

  • I found myself having to jump between codebases all the time
  • Performance & SEO issue with SPA approach
  • To deploy a single ecommerce application on AWS is overkill IMO: I have to manage EC2, S3 buckets, CloudFront, etc.
  • All components are built manually and it's hard to maintain them all at once.

After much considerations, I decided to rebuild Bakia with a new stack, this time delegating as much as possible:

  • Next.js as framework
  • Prisma for ORM. Rewrite with TypeScript
  • PlanetScale and MySQL for serverless database
  • Deploy to Vercel
  • TailwindCSS and Radix UI for styling
  • react-hook-form for form implementation

In this post, I will focus on sharing the experience using Prisma and a useful technique for defining types/interfaces in my project.

Building with Prisma


By delegating to Prisma I can focus on other feature development. Prisma helps me move so much faster:

  • Auto-generated client.
  • Easy migration with PlanetScale. I covered the migration workflow in my previous post.
  • Prisma Studio means free Admin console
  • Void SQL queries. (I don't miss them much 🙃)
  • TypeScript safety. I can ship with confidence and the code is much easier for new maintainers who is familiar with TypeScript.

TypeScript + Prisma = 💪

To create consistent Type, I first create some utility type:

// For return type of Await methods
export type Awaited<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? Awaited<U> : T;

// For Array elements
export type ArrayElement<
  ArrayType extends readonly unknown[]
> = ArrayType extends readonly (infer ElementType)[] ? ElementType : never;

Then, I create a db.ts file to write Prisma code:

export const getCategories = async () => {
    try {
        const categories = await prisma.category.findMany();
        // some magic applied to categories
        return categories;
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(error);

export type CategoryType = ArrayElement<Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getCategories>>>;

And comsume CategoryType in components. I found this approach is much easier to read and maintain.

  • I can reuse the code in different pages / API routes.
  • All the changes in Prisma generated client are immediately reflected and recognized.


I hope you find this post useful. Stay tuned for more Prisma-related posts.